Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the service?

Worship services are around 60 minutes. In the contemporary service, we have music, prayer and then the message (usually from Kevin Roe, our Senior Pastor). In the traditional service, we have music, Scripture readings, prayers, and then the message. At the end of each service, we provide an opportunity to respond to what we’ve heard during the service.

What should I wear?

Whatever makes you feel comfortable, whether that’s more casual or more dressed up.

Where will my kids be during the service?

Your children are welcome to join you for the entire service if you wish. We do have preschool/nursery (3 years and younger) during both services, and children 4 years - 5th grade participate in the first part of the service before going to Children’s Church.

When should I arrive?

Our services begin at 8:45 am and 11:00 am. It will only take a couple of minutes to reach the sanctuary, but we also have some snacks available if you’d like to grab something before heading to the service. If you have children, please allow a couple of minutes to register them prior to the service.

Are there other services and activities leading up to Easter?

Our FREE Children and Family event - our Easter Celebration - will be held on Saturday, April 12th. Then, we start Holy Week with Palm Sunday on April 13th, with services at 8:45 am (contemporary) and 11:00 am (traditional), and we will observe Maundy Thursday with a special service at 7:00 pm

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