Community North is FOR ABU Softball!
We are excited to see you succeed on the field - all the way to winning the World Series!
And we’re also excited to see you succeed in life - becoming the best version of whom God has created you to be!
Video for Chapel Series (October 17-19)
Local (Arlington area) Churches
We’d obviously love to have you visit Community North in McKinney any time you’d like to, but we realize that’s a long drive on a normal week. Here are some churches closer to you that are worth checking out:
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ARLINGTON (fbca.org) - Bible Study at 9:45 am, Contemporary Service at 11:00 am (the pastor is a very good friend / mentor of Kevin’s)
RUSH CREEK CHURCH (rushcreek.org) - Service at 11 am (Coach Beaver attends the Green Oaks campus)
SOUTFIELD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (southfieldcf.com) - Service at 10:30 am at The Green Oaks School (may move to ABU campus soon) (one of the pastors is a good friend of Kevin’s and the Director of the Baptist Student Ministries at UTA (UT Arlington)
MILESTONE CHURCH (milestonechurch.com) - Service at 11 am (see Macy for more info)
LAKE CHURCH (lakechurchdfw.org) - Service at 11 am (the pastor went to high school with Coach Beaver and Kevin)
FIELDER CHURCH (fielder.org) - Service at 11 am. Kevin knows several staff members there.
TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH (templebaptistchurch.net) - Service at 10:30 am. A number of ABU softball players work at the daycare that is run by Temple. As a note, this church will be closest to ABU in beliefs out of the churches listed.
MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH (A Catholic Community) (mbs.church) - Sunday Mass at 10:00 and 11:30 am (a good friend of both Coach Beaver and Kevin works there)
SAINT MARIA GORETTI CATHOLIC CHURCH (smgparish.org) - Sunday Mass at 9:00 and 11:00 am.
Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat (Volunteer Opportunity)
Event Date/Time: Saturday, October 28th, 5-7 pm
Requested Volunteer Time: 3 pm - 8 pm
If you need service hours, this will count for 8 hours.
Even if you don’t need service hours, your help will make a HUGE difference for our church as we serve our community!
We will provide lunch before the event begins.
If you worked the Fall Festival or Easter Celebration last year, you DO NOT need to complete a background check form. Otherwise, please complete BOTH of the following forms.
Prayer Requests / Information
If you have a prayer request or anything else you’d like Kevin to be aware of, please complete this form.
You can also always feel free to contact Kevin directly (817-291-9857).